Father Edwin Literato dies, two other losses in three months in Siracusan church world

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Two losses in just over three months in the ecclesiastical world of Syracuse. A new loss has struck the parish of San Corrado Confalonieri, in Mazzarrona, Siracusa. Father Edwin Literato has passed away, three months after the death of Father Antonio Panzica, with whom he was a long-time collaborator and vicar parish priest, a point of reference for the community and the Franciscan family of Tor, always in service to the poor. The delegate of the Grottasanta district, Alessandro Maiolino, expresses his condolences. “After Father Antonio, Father Edwin also returns to the Father’s house. Having served with faith and love the territory of Mazzarona. My personal and Mayor Francesco Italia’s condolences to the parish community of San Corrado Confalonieri, the Franciscan family of Tor, the archbishop, and the entire clergy of Siracusa.” Alessandro Maiolino then writes on Facebook: “Dear Father Edwin, I am sure that at this moment you are praying with Father Antonio for our Mazzarona.”

On February 26th, indeed, Mazzarrona had lost one of its symbols with the death of Father Antonio Panzica, the parish priest of San Corrado Confalonieri. He was 82 years old. Father Panzica had represented the spirit of redemption, the desire for attention and respect in Mazzarrona. Now, with the death of Father Edwin Literato, the community will have to rise once again.

Due lutti in tre mesi nel mondo ecclesiale siracusano, è morto padre Edwin Literato

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