Father and son arrested for having 20 kilos of skunk marijuana in Catania residence.

Father and son, aged 51 and 20, who had 20 kilograms of skunk marijuana in their home were arrested in Catania for drug possession by the finance police. The seized drug, presumably destined to supply local drug markets, had a value ranging from 120 to 150 thousand euros.

The military, after noticing suspicious movements around their home in the San Cristoforo neighborhood, discovered it was a storage location for the drugs. During a search of the apartment, they found five sacks weighing a total of 20 kilograms of skunk marijuana. The military also seized a precision scale, a vacuum packaging machine, and packaging material.

The judge of the Catania Court, upon the Prosecution’s request, validated the seizure and arrests, ordering that the father and son be imprisoned in Piazza Lanza prison.

Catania, in casa avevano 20 chili di marijuana skunk: arrestati padre e figlio

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