Fatal mistake in phone calls causes train massacre, resulting in the death of 5 workers.

Five workers were killed in a railway accident in Brandizzo, Italy, while changing tracks during the passage of three trains. The accident occurred due to a failure to follow proper procedures and obtain authorization. The minister of infrastructure, Matteo Salvini, acknowledged the existence of procedures and expressed the need for a thorough investigation. Two individuals, the site manager and a technician, are under investigation for multiple manslaughter and railway disaster. The investigation will determine whether the necessary procedures were disregarded. The recordings of phone calls made during the incident suggest that the technician did not receive the required authorization from the control center. The investigation will also examine the absence of safety devices and signals that should have been in place. The interrogations of the two suspects have yet to be scheduled, and further witnesses and evidence will be considered before any conclusions are reached. A silent march is being organized in Vercelli in memory of the victims.

Nelle telefonate l’errore della strage del treno, così sono morti i 5 operai

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