Fatal accident in Trabia: second victim on highway 113 in Palermo in a few hours

Tragedy strikes once again on the roads in Palermo, with two fatal accidents occurring within a few hours of each other. In Trabia, 70-year-old American resident James Kevin Landis was struck and killed by a driver while crossing the street near Villa Cecilia. Despite the driver stopping to provide assistance and the arrival of municipal police, Landis tragically did not survive. In a separate incident in Capaci, 45-year-old Nunzio Cusimano lost his life after colliding with a car while riding a scooter with his 15-year-old daughter, who was left in serious condition. Cusimano passed away in the hospital due to his injuries, while the driver of the car suffered less severe injuries. Investigations are ongoing to determine the cause of both accidents, sparking an outpouring of condolences on social media for the victims.

Incidente a Trabia, muore un uomo sulla statale 113: la seconda vittima nel Palermitano in poche ore

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