Fatal accident in Palermo, Samuele Fuschi’s son: “My father lost his life due to a pothole”

“My father lost his life because of a pothole and left behind four children and a wife,” said Samuele Fuschi’s eldest son, Alessio, who shares the anger and pain for what happened to his father at the scene of the tragedy. In Viale Regione Siciliana, between the Bonagia bridge and the former roundabout of Via Oreto, the man died after losing control of his scooter, at the point where there is a large pothole on the asphalt. “Now we cry for him – the young man continues – he was a great worker, all about home and family. He was proud of his children, an exceptional man and those who knew him can confirm it. Now we ask for justice. My father was proud of me, I only gave him joy, never sorrow. I am eighteen years old and the eldest son, the only boy. My youngest sister is only four months old and from now on I will be the one to be her father.”

L’incidente mortale a Palermo, il figlio di Samuele Fuschi: «Mio padre ha perso la vita per una buca»

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