Fascination and magic of bygone times in Palermo, historic car parade in city center

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In via Maqueda, time goes back in time. This morning (March 17) between Palazzo Comitini, former seat of the province, still the seat of the metropolitan city and current district of the municipal council pending the completion of the works at Palazzo della Aquile, and the Sant’Elia foundation, thirty vintage cars delighted the walk of Palermitans and tourists. Photographs, videos, and curiosities made possible by the members of the Vincenzo Florio vintage car and motorcycle club.

The exhibition is part of the “Palermo Liberty – The Golden Age” exhibition, which can be visited inside the San’Elia foundation: between videomapping, objects, and costumes of the time, there is also a film about the Targa Florio made in collaboration with the Aci and the Municipality of Termini Imerese that completes the exhibition, visited by a group of vintage car enthusiasts who restore and jealously guard. Among the flagship vehicles are a 1924 Amilcar, several Jaguars and Porsches, and a 1946 Alfa Romeo Giulietta Spider.

“The first cars were made between the late 1800s and early 1900s – explains FrancaLaura Mancuso, president of the club – and are part of the Florio entrepreneurship system. Vincenzo dedicated himself to racing and from there it was a short step. But we don’t stop only at the time of the Florio, obviously – she continues – we have models up to the early 1940s and 1950s. We are part of the Asi (Italian vintage cars) and we have a bit of everything, everything that moves is part of historical collecting.” The idea comes from the Liberty exhibition, “from here, in synergy with the Sant’Elia foundation – she continues – we created this event.”

Translated into English

Fascino e magia di altri tempi a Palermo, sfilata delle auto storiche in centro città

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