Family seeks justice after accident on Augusta highway and farewell to Adriano Corvaglia

In Siracusa, it is the day of farewell to Adriano Corvaglia, the 58-year-old worker who lost his life in a road accident on April 23. The tragedy occurred on the former state road 114, in the territory of Augusta: the man was returning from work when for reasons still to be ascertained he went off the road and ended up in a ravine. The impact left him no escape, while his son, who was traveling with him, was injured and hospitalized.

Today, April 29, the final farewell in the church of the Sacred Family. The body has indeed been returned to the family after the autopsy carried out at the request of the prosecutor who opened an investigation. There are still many points to clarify, starting from the conditions in which the guardrail was at the time of the accident. In that section, in the past, there have also been other serious impacts. In these hours, Zaira Salerno vented on social media and demands justice: “I will not give up until I reach my goal. And I have already started, now no one can stop me. I will vent my anger and my pain like this, your death will help save other lives, because no one else should go to work and not return on that road. They will still talk a lot about you, my life.”

Investigations and expertise have been ordered to reconstruct the dynamics of the accident and establish responsibilities. Corvaglia, originally from Avola, had been living in Siracusa with his family for several years. He worked in a plant in the industrial area, from which he was returning after a long day. Many remembered him as a man always ready to help others and with a smile on his face.

“Adriano my childhood friend and colleague – writes Gaetano -, it is not easy to find the right words to express what each of us feels at this moment: the only sure thing is that I will miss you, we will miss everything about you, your voice when you called me frate Tano, your jokes, and above all at work we were a fixed couple me you and Pippo Zanti. You will always be present inside me. Condolences to the family”.

L’incidente sulla statale di Augusta e l’addio ad Adriano Corvaglia: la famiglia chiede giustizia

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