Family of missing young Palermo plumber in Switzerland: “No trace for two months, help us find him”

Explain in brief the following article:

No news, no phone calls for two months. Worry and anguish for the family of Simone Di Cesare, a twenty-nine-year-old man who left Palermo to work in Switzerland as a plumber. The mother reported his disappearance to the authorities, while relatives and many friends are sharing dozens of appeals on social media to find him.

“We are very worried – a message written by his sister Chiara reads – we can’t find my brother who has been living in Zurich for a few months. We haven’t heard from him for almost two months, if anyone has seen him please contact me privately, we have already reported his disappearance. Thank you to everyone.”

The last time the young man contacted his mother was in January. Since then, the woman has not been able to reach him. “Since the beginning of the year, Simone has not called her – another post with a photo of the young man reads – His girlfriend answered his phone, but she always said he had gone out and was not at home. One day she said they had argued and Simone had left without his phone, which has been turned off since March 11th. I would ask you to share this post on all possible pages and anyone with information can call the numbers 00393487061259 or 00393929436419. Thank you on behalf of his family to everyone who will help in the search.”

Giovane idraulico palermitano scompare in Svizzera, la famiglia: «Nessuna traccia da due mesi, aiutateci a trovarlo»

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