Falcone and Borsellino – The Fire of Memory: the story of two judges in a docufilm

The story of the two magistrates symbol of the fight against the mafia becomes a docufilm directed by Ambrogio Crespi. “Falcone and Borsellino – The fire of memory” was presented with a trailer at the opening of the conference “Mafias and anti-mafia today” organized by the University of Palermo. The screenplay is signed by Maria Gabriella Ricotta, Nino Blando, Luigi Sarullo and by Crespi himself. “Working on this new project – said the director – is for me an honor as well as a responsibility. When we talk about mafia and anti-mafia, the thought inevitably goes to the memory of Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino and all the victims of organized crime. In making the film, I had the opportunity to delve into their stories, to talk to those who knew them and to tell the nuances of two characters who before being anti-mafia heroes were men.”

«Falcone e Borsellino – Il fuoco della memoria»: la storia dei due giudici in un docufilm

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