Fake police officers scam elderly woman in Messina, two arrests

Two men of Campanian origin have been arrested by the Carabinieri in Messina after pretending to be police officers, they defrauded an elderly woman by having her hand over gold jewelry and accessories worth over 500 euros. They are accused of aggravated fraud in conspiracy.

According to the reconstruction by the Carabinieri, in recent days the two suspects contacted the victim by phone and, pretending there was a fake car accident caused by their nephew, they asked for money to pay for the lawyer for the relative’s defense. When they later showed up at the woman’s house, she, frightened by what they had told her on the phone, not having immediate cash available, gathered all the valuable items she owned and handed them over. The two men from Campania, in a rented car, were immediately stopped by a patrol of the Carabinieri engaged in prevention service in the area and were found in possession of the stolen goods. The Judge of the Court of Messina validated the arrest and ordered the measure of residence obligation in the municipalities of residence.

Finti carabinieri truffano un’anziana a Messina, due arresti

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