Faggioli wins the Monte Erice hill climb race

Simone Faggioli wins the first race of the new super hill climb championship by conquering the Monte Erice hill climb, now in its 66th edition. The Tuscan driver from Best Lap, aboard his Nova Proto Np01, dominated the competition by finishing the two heats in 5’51“72, breaking both the previous absolute and single climb records. Also on the podium were the driver from Syracuse Luigi Fazzino (Osella Pa 30), who finished with a 5“97 delay, and the driver from Marsala Francesco Conticelli (Nova Proto Np01), 7“34 behind and penalized by an imperfect setup in the first climb.

For Faggioli, this marks his eleventh victory at Erice. The presence of the audience was excellent, with spectators lining the sides of the mountain and showing their support to the drivers after the race. “Today Faggioli won – highlights Giovanni Pellegrino, president of the Automobile Club Trapani, which organizes the hill climb. But overall, the territory won, sports won, all the drivers, and those who worked hard for the race.”

Automobilismo, Faggioli vince la cronoscalata Monte Erice

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