Exhibition honoring Judge Livatino at Palermo’s Palace of Justice

The exhibit “Sub tutela dei” dedicated to the blessed judge Rosario Livatino, who was killed by the mafia in 1990, has arrived in Palermo at the Palazzo di Giustizia. Since August 2022, this initiative has made the figure of Judge Livatino well-known, especially among young people and students. The exhibit was presented at the Corte d’Appello after introductory greetings from various speakers. The exhibit is divided into four sections, focusing on Livatino’s personal formation, his role as a judge, his murder, and the process of beatification, and his legacy. It will be open by appointment from December 2nd to 16th. The exhibit has received positive feedback from visitors, and the interviews with Matteo Frasca, Lia Sava, and Giuseppe Lupo can be viewed in the video.

Al Palazzo di Giustizia di Palermo una mostra dedicata al giudice Livatino

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