European funding: Selection of 16 experts in Sicily for consultations. Notice, required profiles and qualifications.

The special office Audit Authority of the programs co-financed by the European Commission of the Sicilian Region has launched a selection procedure for the assignment of 16 expert positions to support second-level controls within the Programs under the Programming Cycles 2014-2020 and 2021-2027.
The requested figures are: a project manager in the control area, eleven senior assistants in the control area including a statistical expert, two middle-level assistants in the control area, and two junior assistants in the control area. The selection will be made among the subjects who have submitted their application via pec by 8 am on May 10, 2024, and who, at the same time, are registered and present in the “Control” disciplinary area of the “long list” of the Tecnostruttura association portal ( the registration procedures for the long list can be found on the website. Each candidate can submit only one application for a single profile.
The Audit authority will proceed with the selection based on general and specific requirements: a certified second-level university degree diploma in law, economics, political science, and statistics, as well as professional experience in the implementation and first or second-level controls within the Programs and in the sampling techniques of structural funds. The selection process will involve comparing resumes and conducting subsequent interviews. For clarification requests, you can write to [email protected] until 1 pm on May 6.

Fondi europei, in Sicilia scatta la selezione di 16 esperti per le consulenze: l’avviso, le figure richieste e i requisiti

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