EU funds: Brussels reopens the game for Sicily, it is possible to save the unspent ones

According to the signals coming from Palazzo Berlaymont, the conditional is still required. However, the President of the Region, Renato Schifani, expressed satisfaction with the news coming from Brussels regarding the proposal for reprogramming advanced by his government in collaboration with the national government. This proposal would allow them to not lose valuable European resources. The European Commission technicians have accepted or are about to accept the plan, which was validated last July by the Monitoring Committee of the Po Fesr Sicilia 2014-2020. This plan aims to prevent the loss of approximately 1.6 billion euros in EU funds, which are set to expire on December 31st. The current governor has repeatedly requested guarantees from regional authorities with the hope of recovering at least one billion euros. In collaboration with Minister Raffaele Fitto, they have implemented a summer plan that reallocates some of the funds to more easily achievable expenses, attempting to salvage the situation with a budget of 800 million euros.

Fondi Ue, Bruxelles riapre i giochi per la Sicilia: è possibile salvare quelli non spesi

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