Entrepreneurs linked to Adrano mafia clan: fictitious withdrawals and transfers to seize funds from a bankrupt company

Three individuals arrested in the Replay operation by the financial police in Catania are being investigated, along with 28 other individuals, for charges including fraudulent and documentary bankruptcy, failure to pay value-added tax, fraudulent transfer of assets, money laundering, and re-investment of illicit money. The investigation, coordinated by the Catania prosecutor’s office, was carried out by financial officers. The judge also ordered the seizure of the social shares of 25 companies, as well as assets and other utilities belonging to each of them, totaling €86 million. The investigation originated from the Follow the Money operation, which targeted some of the individuals involved. The arrested individuals were accused of supporting the Scalisi clan, a local branch of the Laudani mafia family, in exchange for protection and facilitation of their own business activities. Further investigations revealed multiple tax violations and diversion of funds by the two main suspects, resulting in the economic collapse of a major company managed by them. The investigation also uncovered numerous intra-group fund transfers, allowing the laundering and re-investment of approximately €48 million. The arrestees are facing various criminal charges and the seizure of their assets.

I due imprenditori contigui al clan mafioso di Adrano: prelievi e bonifici fittizi per mettere le mani sul denaro di un’azienda fallita

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