Enhanced security measures around Sciacca courthouse: permanent no parking ban

A permanent no parking restriction has been established around the building housing the judicial offices of Sciacca (Agrigento), between Allende, Einaudi, La Pira, and Quasimodo streets. This measure, aimed at enhancing security around the building, is part of the ongoing investigations by the Carabinieri following the discovery, almost two weeks ago, of around fifty police cartridges scattered on the ground among parked cars in front of the courthouse. Investigators have already reviewed images from the surveillance cameras to identify those responsible for the incident. The investigations are being kept strictly confidential. The episode prompted immediate statements of solidarity towards the magistrates (investigators and judges) working inside the building from the CSM (Superior Council of Magistracy) and the National Association of Magistrates.

Rafforzate le misure di sicurezza attorno al tribunale di Sciacca: scatta il divieto di sosta permanente

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