Energy theft in Randazzo, Maletto, and Maniace: among the 55 reported, some relied on saints.

The article explains how 55 people have been reported for theft of electricity by the carabinieri in Randazzo and the stations of Maletto and Maniace. The theft of electricity has caused Enel losses of over 66 thousand euros in the last five years. The carabinieri have discovered various techniques used to illegally acquire electricity, ranging from tampering with electric meters to classic but rudimentary connections to the public grid.

The most commonly used method by these “counter cheaters” is the modification of the meter’s software, done by specialized workers to show lower consumption levels than actual usage. However, this manipulation can be detected by Enel officials during their inspections at the power station.

The article also mentions a creative but dangerous method of connecting to the public grid that an elderly woman from Maletto had devised in her home to bypass paying for electricity. The woman had hidden the connections inside a wall niche in her kitchen, cleverly disguised behind an image of San Pio.

Overall, the article highlights the different ways in which people are illegally obtaining electricity and the consequences they face when caught.

Furti di energia elettrica a Randazzo, Maletto e Maniace: fra i 55 denunciati c’era chi si affidava ai santi

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