Emotional tribute to Angelo Meli at D’Aguirre-Alighieri Institute in Partanna by Headmistress Accardo.

The GDScuola makes a stop in the province of Trapani. The director of the Giornale di Sicilia, Marco Romano, met this morning with the students of the D’Aguirre-Alighieri Institute in Partanna. The hostess was the director, Francesca Accardo, along with the project manager of the institute’s “Journalism” project, Professor Vincenzo Piccione. The students, teachers, and director wanted to remember Angelo Meli, a reporter for the Giornale di Sicilia who passed away prematurely last fall. Under his guidance, the students and teachers had visited the Giornale di Sicilia newsroom at the Palermo headquarters on via Lincoln. It was a moment of great emotion for director Romano, who spoke deeply in remembering his colleague.

The students didn’t hold back in asking the director questions about how the work in the newsroom is carried out. They were particularly interested in knowing how important news events, such as the arrest of fugitive Matteo Messina Denaro and the massacre in Altavilla Milicia, were followed. “For young people,” Marco Romano explained, “it is important to understand that a good education also involves a correct need to inform oneself, knowing how to choose with maturity and responsibility which are the credible and reliable channels to do so. Choices even more important and delicate for young people like ours, born in Sicily.”

Tomorrow, May 1st, in the Trapani edition of the Giornale di Sicilia, there will be an extensive report by Francesca Capizzi.

GDScuola all’istituto D’Aguirre-Alighieri di Partanna, dalla dirigente Accardo un commosso ricordo di Angelo Meli

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