Emergency state extended after terrifying fire and water bombs in Stromboli.

The Meloni government has extended the state of emergency for the volcanic island of Stromboli, which saw half of the mountain burn after a terrifying fire sparked during a television series on “Civil Protection” commissioned by Rai. The extension was decreed at the first cabinet meeting after the summer break “as a result of the meteorological events that occurred on August 12, 2022”. The continuous heavy rainfall was triggered by the fire, which stripped the mountain of trees and vegetation, resulting in rocks, debris, and mud flooding the streets, houses, shops, and tourist facilities causing extensive damage. The extension was requested by the Minister for Civil Protection and Maritime Policies, Nello Musumeci. The extraordinary commissioner appointed was the mayor of Lipari, Riccardo Gullo, who immediately took action to secure the island, clean up the Long Beach, and address other issues. The damages caused by the television series are being negotiated through an economic agreement to avoid legal action.

Stromboli, prorogato lo stato di emergenza dopo lo spaventoso incendio e le bombe d’acqua

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