Emergency life-saving flight for 7-year-old: transferred urgently from Garibaldi Hospital in Catania to Trieste Hospital

A child with multiple illnesses has been urgently transferred from the Garibaldi hospital in Catania to a care institute in Trieste. The seven-year-old has a very serious health condition and required specialized care from the Burlo Garofolo hospital in Trieste. No civilian flight, however, could transfer them. An operation coordinated by the prefecture in close collaboration with healthcare professionals from the Garibaldi hospital and the Italian Air Force was thus set up. An aircraft was made available for the transfer, and the child, along with their family, was safely transported to the hospital in Trieste. The prefect of Catania, Maria Carmela Librizzi, praised the speed of the intervention, thanking the medical staff at the Garibaldi hospital and the Italian Air Force for their efficiency in organizing the flight.

Volo salvavita per un bambino di 7 anni: trasferito d’urgenza dal Garibaldi di Catania all’ospedale di Trieste

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