Embezzlement and corruption at Messina Polyclinic: names of those under investigation

The article discusses an investigation into the NeMo Sud clinic and the Policlinico in Messina, where individuals are being investigated for embezzlement and corruption. Among those implicated are Alberto Fontana, former president of the Aurora onlus foundation, Giuseppe Laganga Senzio, former administrative director of the Policlinico, Mario Giovanni Melazzini, former president of the Aurora onlus foundation, Giuseppe Pecoraro, extraordinary commissioner of the Policlinico, Paolina Reitano, former healthcare director of the Policlinico, Marco Restuccia, general director of the Policlinico, Giuseppe Vita, head physician of the Neurology unit at the Policlinico, Giovanna Volo, former healthcare director of the university hospital and current regional health assessor, and Michele Vullo, former administrative director of the Policlinico.

Some of the individuals mentioned have been placed under temporary prohibition from contracting with the public administration and from operating in the healthcare sector. All nine individuals have had their assets seized for a total of 11 million euros, which is the amount of public funds misappropriated. The order for these precautionary measures was signed by Judge Claudia Misale.

Peculato e corruzione al Policlinico di Messina: i nomi degli indagati

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