Eight members of the Mezzomonreale Mafia clan convicted by judge, two acquitted

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Eight alleged members of the Mezzomonreale crime family have been sentenced by the Gup of the Palermo court Ivana Vassallo, who decided with the fast-track trial and also acquitted two of the ten defendants. The trial stems from an operation by the carabinieri, coordinated by the district anti-mafia directorate, which requested and obtained heavy penalties: just under a century of prison, with the one-third discount provided for by the fast-track trial. The most severe sentence was handed down to the boss of the Palermo mafia Pietro Badagliacca, who received 20 years, while Gioacchino Badagliacca was sentenced to 17 years, one month, and 10 days, and Angelo to 16 years, 5 months, and 10 days. Then Giovanni Cancemi (8 years, 3 months, and 16 days), Antonino Anello, Michele and Pasquale Saitta, each 8 years, and finally 3 years and 4 months for Angelo Lazzara. The acquitted are Marco Zappulla and Silvestre Maniscalco, represented by lawyer Rosanna Vella.

In the trial, the City of Palermo, lawyer Ettore Barcellona, the Pio La Torre Center, lawyer Francesco Cutraro, Solidarity, Sos Enterprise, Fai, Network for legality, Confcommercio and Confersercenti Solidarity Desk, represented among others by lawyers Fabio Lanfranca, Valerio D’Antoni, Ugo Forello, Fausto Maria Amato, and Maria Luisa Martorana, have joined as civil party plaintiffs, who the defendants will have to compensate.

Mafia, cosca di Mezzomonreale: il Gup condanna otto esponenti appartenenti alla cosca, due gli assolti

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