Eating disorders, meeting with linguistic students at Cassarà: “I have defeated anorexia”

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The data on eating disorders are alarming and represent the second leading cause of death, especially among young people, with over 4,000 deaths per year. This was stated by the president of the National Kindness Movement, Natalia Re, who met with students from the Cassarà Linguistic High School this morning as part of a series of initiatives promoted on the occasion of the National Day on Eating Disorders. Prevention becomes fundamental and doing it in schools is important because it is precisely in the crucial phase of a student’s educational path that discomfort is observed, and school, together with the family, plays a fundamental role in the construction of the identity of our young people. Teachers and family members are crucial in identifying those small signs that need to be intercepted immediately to save a life.

“As a woman who has experienced and fought anorexia firsthand,” Natalia Re revealed, “I can confirm that it is very difficult to understand the discomfort because it is often masked, not perceived because there is no awareness of the drama that is being experienced, and when it finally manifests, unfortunately, the body is already worn out and it is often too late. Capturing the discomfort in time becomes crucial, which is why we wanted to promote these meetings in schools to launch awareness campaigns on the importance of emotional literacy, on the use of words, which have a significant impact, and against the dominance of aesthetic models that impose themselves as perfect in contemporary society.”

“Eating disorders,” explained the headmistress of the Linguistic High School Daniela Crimi, “are increasingly affecting the adolescent age group and beyond. Today’s initiative at our school’s Fattori street location, on the dedicated day, is necessary if we want to raise awareness about correct lifestyles, a healthy relationship with food, and prevent disorders and vulnerabilities. I thank Natalia Re for the expertise and sensitivity with which she addressed the issue because even the correctness and delicacy with which we relate to students at school are essential to engage young people and instill positive messages.”

Disturbi alimentari, incontro con gli studenti del linguistico Cassarà: «Io ho sconfitto l’anoressia»

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