Drunk driver tries to bribe Partinico carabinieri with 300 euros,reported

The Carabinieri of Partinico have reported a 45-year-old man residing abroad to the authorities for incitement to corruption and driving under the influence of alcohol. During a road traffic control service, using a breathalyzer, the military officers from the radiomobile section, along with their colleagues from the Partinico station, stopped the man along one of the main streets in the center. Initially refusing to take the alcohol test, he offered the officers 300 euros to avoid the alcohol level check, which turned out to be above the legal limit. The driver then attempted to bribe the officers again by placing a 50 euro banknote next to the breathalyzer. After completing the check, the military officers reported the suspect to the Palermo prosecutor’s office.

Ubriaco alla guida tenta di corrompere con 300 euro i carabinieri di Partinico, denunciato

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