Drug trafficking between Germany and Barrafranca, fifteen arrested: organization had weapons and large cannabis plantation.

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Blitz against drug trafficking by the Carabinieri of the ROS and provincial commands of Enna, Caltanissetta, Catania, and Brescia. Executed a custody order issued by the Caltanissetta judge at the request of the prosecutor against 15 people accused of criminal association aimed at the production and trafficking of drugs such as marijuana and hashish aggravated by the availability of weapons. The operation is called “Albana.”
Three of them are also under investigation for the crime of fictitious ownership of assets to evade preventive measures regulations, while one of the three is also facing another crime related to independent possession of weapons and ammunition. The custody order was also executed against two other people, heavily suspected only of drug production and trafficking. Thirteen suspects are subject to the prison custody measure, two have been placed under house arrest with electronic monitoring bracelets.
The Caltanissetta DDA also issued search warrants to be carried out in Germany, through a European Investigation Order against two individuals residing in Cologne. The searches were carried out by the criminal police of Cologne and the BKA (German Federal Police), with the presence of ROS personnel as part of an international cooperation under the auspices of Europol. The activities were supported by the @ON Network funded by the EU Commission. The investigation, according to the Carabinieri, is a natural continuation of the incessant efforts of the Caltanissetta prosecutor’s office and the ROS in combating organized and mafia crime in the province of Enna.
The investigation uncovered a complex drug trafficking operation from Germany to Barrafranca. The trafficking was managed by people from Barrafranca who had emigrated to Germany. On December 4, 2021, the son of one of the suspects in custody was arrested in Bavaria for being found in possession of 300 grams of cocaine. He was coming from Cologne and heading to Sicily. This person also maintained contacts with Italy through the use of encrypted communication devices before his arrest. Investigative insights developed through police (Europol) and judicial (Eurojust) cooperation channels revealed a lasting relationship between the Barrafranca community residing in Cologne, including individuals already convicted of mafia association, and Italians engaged in drug trafficking.
Interceptions, carried out through numerous observation, control, and surveillance services, revealed the connection of two suspects to prominent figures linked to organized crime in Catania Ognina-Picanello. With the collaboration of a large group of people from Catania and the complicity of an unsuspecting Barrafranca family, a large cannabis indica plantation was allegedly set up in a greenhouse, along with a refinery for the production of marijuana and hashish. This drug, along with a significant number of illegal weapons and ammunition, was discovered and seized on November 25, 2022.
During the investigations, illegal weapons and ammunition were found. This is the list: a sawed-off double-barreled shotgun with a modified stock, Gamba Royal brand, with a scratched serial number; a 9mm Star-Sa pistol with a scratched serial number; an unbranded 9mm pistol with a scratched serial number; a .32 caliber Beretta Model 70 pistol with a scratched serial number; a .38 caliber Trada brand revolver with a scratched serial number; a Luger model Fab 1516 pistol with a scratched serial number; a Winchester .22 RL caliber rifle model 250 with serial number 207026815, not recorded in the FF.P. database; a Diana air rifle of German manufacture model F134T05 Classic, caliber 4.5 with serial number 01435201; 3,143 cartridges of various calibers; a large quantity of shells, bullets, and black powder with other material for the packaging of ammunition of various calibers.
Traffico di droga fra la Germania e Barrafranca, quindici arrestati: l’organizzazione aveva armi e una vasta piantagione di cannabis
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