Drug dealing square dismantled near Augusta and Villasmundo: six arrests, including a residence ban.

This morning, the Carabinieri executed an order that included seven precautionary measures, including six arrests. Five people were sent to prison, one was placed under house arrest, and the seventh was banned from the area. This operation targeted a drug trafficking ring between Augusta and Villasmundo in the Syracuse area. The suspects were selling drugs from their homes, as well as using cars and motorcycles to distribute cocaine, hashish, and marijuana. The alleged leader of the criminal organization, a 53-year-old from Augusta, was responsible for managing the finances and coordinating with individuals from Catania who supplied the drugs. During the investigation, the police arrested one of the couriers who was carrying over 50 grams of pure cocaine and expected a payment of €1,400. Over 50 Carabinieri officers, along with K9 units from Nicolosi and the “Sicilian Hunters” team from Sigonella, were involved in the operation. Search operations resulted in the discovery of one and a half kilograms of dried marijuana, 800 grams of hashish, divided into 8 sealed packages, 5 marijuana plants, and €1,750 in cash.

Smantellata una piazza di spaccio fra Augusta e Villasmundo: sei arresti, c’è anche un divieto di dimora

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