Dog beaten with a pickaxe in Palermo: Honey is released and looking for a new home

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The pickaxe hits, the rescues, the coma, then the miraculous recovery and today, April 30th, the discharge. This is the happy ending of Honey’s story, the little dog found bleeding among the garbage in a dumpster in the Cruillas neighborhood. That day, it was April 22nd, a woman raised the alarm: the dog was agonizing and was immediately taken to a clinic by a volunteer. Valeria Galletti kept everyone updated every day on Honey’s health condition: after waking up from the coma, his progress has been steady.

He responded well to treatment and, thanks to the love of the veterinarians and the great affection that hundreds of users have shown by participating in the solidarity campaign to support the treatment, he made it. “Hello everyone – is one of the latest updates – I’m Honey and I’m fine, they told me I’ve become very famous: all this notoriety is a bit overwhelming as you can see! Today I received kisses, hugs, and caresses… I think I really like them, I’ve taken them all! Every day at the clinic everyone congratulates me because I am a force of nature, but perhaps my strength has come from all of you. I know that you have helped Valeria in many ways to rescue me and I know that thanks to this chain of solidarity, you have saved my life and the lives of other friends with wagging tails. Yes, it’s true that some monster got rid of me, but I still believe that humans are nice… a man even dug through the smelly garbage to pull me out…if all this isn’t love, what else is?

In recent days, Honey has indeed eaten, stood up, and walked. The violence he suffered must remain only a sad memory, because now he is looking for a new home. After the discharge, Valeria Galletti will take care of him, but the little dog will be subsequently entrusted to those who want to take care of him. To do so, it is necessary to contact the volunteer via Facebook, who will assess if there are the conditions to adopt him.

Il cane preso a picconate a Palermo: Honey è stato dimesso e cerca una nuova casa

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