Discovering Verga on Mount Etna, at the Casa della Capinera: new firebreaks and a restaurant area by migrants.

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The article discusses the opening event of Casa della Capinera, a base for excursions in the Etna Park, managed by the social cooperatives Il Nodo, Sustanza, and the social promotion association Chiaria. The renovated rural building is surrounded by forest and was worked on by unaccompanied migrant minors to clear firebreaks in the area. Chiaria is responsible for the forest library and outdoor activities, while Sustanza will open a restaurant serving local and organic food for hikers. The event will include various activities for all ages, starting with a welcome from the managing associations, followed by games, refreshments, and a forest walk with stories for children. The article also mentions that the management of Casa della Capinera will be carried out by the three organizations for the next nine years, with the possibility of renewal.

Riscoprire Verga sull’Etna, alla Casa della Capinera linee tagliafuoco create dai migranti e una nuova area di ristoro

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