Denial of Covid aid due to mafia ties overturned by Tar

The Sicilian Regional Administrative Court (Tar) has invalidated the anti-Mafia information issued by the prefecture of Agrigento which denied Covid-19 emergency aid. A woman from San Biagio Platani, in 2021, requested assistance from the municipality in accordance with the Civil Protection order issued in March 2020 due to the economic impact of the coronavirus. However, she was denied aid based on an anti-Mafia information report issued by the prefecture of Agrigento at the request of the municipality, citing the woman’s family ties to a convicted Mafia associate. The woman sought legal representation from lawyer Girolamo Rubino to appeal the decision at the regional administrative court. The lawyer argued that the aid requested was purely for assistance and not related to any economic activities requiring an anti-Mafia check. The Tar in Palermo, in a preliminary ruling, agreed with the argument that the woman was not an entrepreneur and therefore suspended the anti-Mafia measure. In a final ruling on June 7, 2024, the Tar specified that anti-Mafia information concerns economic operators and does not apply to individuals without business activities. Consequently, the court ruled in favor of the woman, annulling the prefecture’s anti-Mafia measure and allowing her to receive the assistance she requested.

«Ha parentele mafiose», negato l’accesso ai contributi Covid: ma il Tar annulla tutto

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