Death of Onorato’s wife Francesca Donato: “A heavy burden in my heart, those who love me, pray in silence”

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“A burden in the heart. To carry around every day, while facing the inevitable and very heavy responsibilities of all kinds due to my new situation. Those who love me pray for me and my children, in silence. ” A tweet that is an appeal and also a demonstration of strength, posted by Francesca Donato, the MEP of the CdC, wife of Angelo Onorato, the entrepreneur found dead on Viale Regione Siciliana on May 25th.

The family’s lawyer, Vincenzo Lo Re, on the pages of Giornale di Sicilia, declared that the murder of the entrepreneur remains open. “For the family, until it is black on white that it is a suicide, the murder track is not closed – the lawyer said -. Until all exams are conclusive, like the toxicological ones, which could demonstrate how Onorato was sedated, all hypotheses remain open.

However, the murder track, pursued by the family, seems to have faded. As also explained by the forensic doctor and consultant, Nuccia Albano: “After the initial autopsy exams – she says – doubts have dissipated, we await the toxicological results which will certainly be important but there are no doubts about the act. We need to understand the reasons for what happened.” Investigators also dig into the entrepreneur’s private life. The hypothesis is aired that the place where the incident occurred is not random. Perhaps Onorato intentionally chose it to send a message to someone. To whom? And why? Questions that remain unanswered at the moment. The family wants to know the truth.

translated into English

La fine di Onorato, la moglie Francesca Donato: «Un macigno nel cuore, chi mi vuole bene preghi in silenzio»

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