De Luca recruits Capitano Ultimo for race to the European elections

In the article “South calls North” by Cateno De Luca grows and “recruits” even the captain Ultimo. In a press conference at the Parliament, the mayor of Taormina announces the new adhesions to the project of the “Front of Freedoms”, which “must fly high” and which is now “present in almost all Italian regions”. Among these: that of Captain Ultimo, who sits in the front row, but does not speak “because he has just undergone vocal cord surgery”; that of the mayor of Amatrice, Sergio Pirozzi, with “Civic in Motion”, and those of Vito Comencini with “Veneto People” and Davide Bionaz of the Rassemblement Valdotan.

De Luca is satisfied because his federalist project is “being completed” and warns that soon, at the next press conference already scheduled for April 4, there may be “new surprises”. “We are waiting for someone’s Easter reflections…” he explains. Then, he points the finger at the “para-parliamentary attempt” to eliminate the political movement that he leads with the rule on the collection of signatures “which was then withdrawn”, but “not as it was wanted to believe to pardon us”, but because it was not respectful of the “constitutional principles” of representation.

The fact that “7 former Lega exponents” have already joined his “political project” is not a coincidence, he admits to the journalist who points it out to him, “because I – he assures – have always been fascinated by the real Lega, certainly not by that of Matteo Verdini”. And of this “fascination” of his always proven for the Lega, he says he also talked about it in his last meeting with Roberto Bossi. Seated next to the former undersecretary Laura Castelli and the deputy Francesco Gallo who represents “South calls North” in Parliament, he denounces the fact that “while Matteo Renzi is trying to convince a character like Totò Cuffaro to go with him on the list”, he instead focuses on Captain Ultimo “as a symbol of the fight against the mafia” that his political movement wants to carry out. Among the upcoming events he anticipates there will be that of May 5: “We will start like the Resurgence Thousand because our goal – he emphasizes – is to go from the 1000 of May 5 to a million on June 8-9”.

Corsa alle Europee, De Luca “ingaggia” capitan Ultimo

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