Cyclist in Modica crashes with mountain bike, spleen removed.

An excursion on a mountain bike turned into a serious injury for a 49-year-old sports enthusiast from Modica. The man, riding his bike on a dirt road near Monterosso Almo with a group of friends, lost his balance and was violently hit by the handlebars in the stomach during the fall.

The accident appeared serious right away: his companions immediately alerted the emergency services and an ambulance arrived on the scene, transferring the 49-year-old to the Maggiore Nino Baglieri Hospital in Modica in critical condition.

At the hospital, the man underwent surgery: his spleen was removed and the prognosis is currently reserved.

Cade con la mountain bike e urta il manubrio: asportata la milza a un ciclista di Modica

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