Cuffaro and Schifani: “Choose the best for the Region”

Totò Cuffaro sends a message to Renato Schifani. “We are loyal allies of the president of the Region and the coalition. And we believe that the latter should reflect on how we should be together, choosing the best to represent the institutions and not looking at a strict party numerical label,” declares the national secretary of the Christian Democracy to Italpress at the conference “Aldo Moro: denied truth”, organized by the DC in the Mattarella room of Palazzo dei Normanni, in Palermo.

“We are convinced that the DC, from the last regional elections, where it received 6.7%, has more than doubled consensus today, I think this data will be confirmed by the upcoming European elections. We bring our contribution of ideas and values to make sure that in the coalition there can be the possibility of seeking the reasons that keep us together, rather than those that divide us”.

A jab also at the regional secretary of the Democratic Party, who closed the door to possible electoral agreements. “Barbagallo – says Cuffaro – has carried out a sterile policy, one that is done in rallies. It is strange that he did it within his regional committee. If he had said it in a rally, I would have laughed about it, but if he does it in his regional committee, I have to reply, because Barbagallo knows that in many municipalities in Sicily, the DC is together with the PD and he knows that he came to ask me to stay together in some municipalities and I did it in the conviction that the best people were being chosen as candidates”. The former president of the Region says that “now it is fashionable to say ‘never with Cuffaro’s DC’. If Barbagallo joins this chorus, I’m sorry for him. I worked and did things with the PD and he thought it was right to do them. If he has changed his mind now, he should come to terms with it. The certain thing is that today the DC is by far more present in the territory compared to his PD and also by far more present in the democratic municipal consents where people are elected”.

The day centered around the memory of Moro. “The DC, even if a few days late, remembers Aldo Moro,” says Cuffaro. In the Mattarella room there is the author of the book “Aldo Moro: denied truth”, Gero Grassi. “The writer – adds Cuffaro – tries to reconstruct a piece of truth, difficult to understand, to know if it is the truth. But with his memories he brings a contribution to what the statesman’s story was. Today we want to remember his figure and we do it with the conviction that many young people take him as an example. The most important lesson from Moro is the awareness that institutions are a good thing that must be safeguarded, above all else and above parties. For Moro, parties were an instrument to grow institutions, today unfortunately the opposite happens. Moro looked at parties as relationships to be taken care of and reflected with them to do the good of politics, in the belief that politics is not just parties but everything that contributes to achieving a common good”.

Cuffaro a Schifani: «Per la Regione devi scegliere il meglio»

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