Covid. The peak is close. Sicily among the worst, growing admissions also in Trapani

#Covid #peak #close #Sicily #among #worst #growing #admissions #Trapani

The vaccination hubs reopen, an attempt is made to accelerate the fourth dose.
Second booster which is now being expanded.

From 13 July the second booster vaccination (fourth dose) goes to all over 60 years and to people with high frailty over 12 years, provided that a minimum interval of at least 120 days has elapsed since the third dose or the last subsequent infection.
upon recall (date of positive diagnostic test).

Meanwhile the peak is closer, according to what emerges from the findings of the Gimbe foundation.
In Italy, the growth of new covid cases slows down.
In Sicily, however, the situation is worsening.
In the week from 6 to 12 July, a worsening performance was recorded for Covid cases currently positive per 100,000 inhabitants (2669) and there was an increase in new cases (23.2%) compared to the previous week.
Above national average the number of beds in the medical area (27.2%) and in intensive care (5.9%) occupied by Covid-19 patients.
These are the results of the weekly monitoring of the Gimbe Foundation.
The situation worsens in the province of Trapaniwhere am I over 10 thousand positives have been ascertained, and the places in intensive care are returning to occupy.

According to what emerges from the weekly bulletin of the Sicilian region, the incidence of new cases in the province of Trapani increased by 50.22% compared to the previous week.
In Sicily the figure is + 32%.
In Trapani the incidence of new cases increased by 53%, in Alcamo by 63%, in Marsala by 54%, in Castelvetrano by 78%, in Mazara by 41%.

The weekly bulletin
In the week from 4 to 10 July there is an increase in new infections, in line with the trend in the national territory.
The incidence of new positives is 62842 (+ 32.03%), with a cumulative value of 1309 / 100,000 inhabitants.

The rate of new positives higher than the regional average was recorded in the provinces of Syracuse (1546 / 100,000 inhabitants), Messina (1515 / 100,000), Agrigento (1451 / 100,000) and Ragusa (1360 / 100,000).

The age groups most at risk are those between 60 and 69 years (1543 / 100,000), between 70 and 79 years (1482 / 100,000) and between 45 and 59 years (1437 / 100,000).
New hospitalizations are on the rise.

Therefore, an acute epidemic situation is confirmed even in the past week of monitoring, with a high incidence but hospitalization in a lower proportion.
The data relating to the vaccination campaign refer to the week from 6 to 12 July.
In the target age 5-11, those vaccinated with at least one dose amounted to 27.15%.
71,984 children completed the primary cycle, equal to 23.35%.
Over 12 years vaccinated with at least one dose amounted to 90.62% while 89.32% of the regional target completed the primary cycle.
There are 1,054,786 citizens who, having acquired the right to receive the third dose, have not yet taken it.
Specifically, the vaccinated with the third dose are 2,746,510 equal to 72.25% of those entitled.

From 1 March the administration of the fourth dose began for the over 12 with marked impairment of the immune response and from 12 April the delivery of the second booster dose was also extended to the over 80s, guests of residential care facilities for the elderly and to subjects among the 60 and 80 years suffering from particularly fragile conditions.
Those who have received the third dose for more than 120 days without Covid-19 infection are entitled to the fourth dose.
Since March 1, a total of 43,748 fourth dose administrations have been carried out, of which 30,633 to subjects over 80.

Slow the rise of new cases
The weekly growth of new cases of Covid-19 slows down, reaching over 728 thousand (+ 22.4% compared to 595,300 the previous week), but the number of deaths continues to increase: 692 in the last 7 days (+49 % compared to 464).
These are the data from the Gimbe Foundation monitoring for the week 6-12 July.
“The increase in new cases – explains the president Nino Cartabellotta – records the lowest value since the reversal of the curve in mid-June.

The peak is reached, but the duration of the plateau and the subsequent descent of the curve could be very slow “.
Also from 6 to 12 July, hospitalized patients with Covid symptoms in medical departments increased by 21.5% (9,724 compared to 8,003 the previous week), while those in intensive care grew by 16.1% (375 compared to 323 ).
This was revealed by the new monitoring of the Gimbe Foundation.
The increase is lower than that of the previous 7 days (33% for ordinary hospitalizations and 36% for intensive care) but, added to that of the past few weeks, it means that in the last month the hospitalizations in intensive care have doubled, going from 183 on 12.
June to 375 on July 12, while in the medical area they more than doubled, from 4,076 to 9,724.

The numbers in the province of Trapani

The wall of 10 thousand cases of Covid19 in the province of Trapani has been broken down again.
Exactly 10,360 positives are ascertained, according to what the provincial ASP communicates.
And in one day there were 2019 new cases, net of 1253 negativized and 5 deaths.

The situation is also worsening in hospitals.
For several days there was no one hospitalized in intensive care, now there are 5.
In semi-intensive there are 10 patients, 72 in ordinary hospitalization (3 more), 13 in Covid Hotel Rsa (-3).

This is the situation of the current positives by municipality, with the previous day’s data in brackets: 2,019 in Trapani (1,861), 1,951 in Marsala (1,854), 1,078 in Alcamo (1,077), 773 in Mazara del Vallo (662), 701 in Erice (687), 657 in Castelvetrano (594), 432 in Valderice (370), 376 in Castellammare del Golfo (367), 264 in Paceco (259), 252 in Partanna (230), 277 in Campobello di Mazara (221) , 225 in Salemi (201), 185 in Custonaci (168), 173 in Pantelleria (160), 168 in Calatafimi Segesta (141), 134 in Petrosino (123), 130 in Gibellina (118), 121 in San Vito Lo Capo (104), 109 in Santa Ninfa (98), 84 in Buseto Palizzolo (74), 81 in Misiliscemi (90), 70 in Favignana (55), 37 in Vita (37), 34 in Poggioreale (28), 29 in Salaparuta (20).

Sicilian news 2022-07-15 06:10:00

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