Court of Auditors to conduct investigation on Sicilia digitale Spa
The focus on the financial relationships between the Region and Sicilia Digitale Spa, a company fully controlled by the regional administration, will be opened by the joint Sections of the Court of Auditors on the occasion of the next equalization judgment. The judges want to clarify the debtor and creditor relationships between the sole shareholder and the in-house company. During the adversarial proceedings before the equalization judgment of the Region’s statement of accounts for 2021, then suspended due to the dispute opened on the spreading of the deficit, the Court had requested explanations regarding the financial coverage of the provision with which two years ago Sicilia Digitale Spa was recapitalized with over 12 million euros. In its response, the regional administration informed the judges, among other things, that Sicilia Digitale “has renounced the eight injunction decrees relating to project management and implementation activities carried out in the period 2010-13 for a total of 53.21 million euros owed to the Region.” Having renounced the injunction decrees but not the credit, the panel of auditors asked the administration “whether, with reference to the credits claimed by Sicilia Digitale Spa, sums were provided for in the potential liability fund and whether the amount of 53.21 million was included in the amount of 95.1 million pertaining to the credits claimed by the in-house company from the Regional Authority for Technological Innovation (Arit).” “The general accountant – the judges wrote in the report on the statement of accounts for 2021 – specified that no amount was provided for in the potential liability fund and that the amount of 95.1 million also includes the 53.21 million.” Hence, the decision of the Court to further investigate the Sicilia Digitale Spa dossier.
La Corte Conti farà approfondimenti su Sicilia digitale Spa
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