Consumer service counters network established in Sicily.

Legal experts specialized in various fields are available to provide assistance and information for the defense of the rights of Sicilian consumers. This is the goal of the Network of Service Centers, 29 structures with signs displaying the logo of the Sicilian Region and qualified personnel to receive and resolve issues related to difficult relationships with the commercial world and with public and private service organizers and providers. Thanks to funding from the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, the general secretariat of the Presidency of the Region has issued a notice to which selected consumer associations belonging to the “Network of Regional Consumer Centers of Sicily” have adhered, committed to carrying out activities to provide assistance, information, and education on exercising rights and opportunities provided by European, national, and regional provisions.

“The associations – reads a note from consumers – feel obliged to thank, in particular, the President of the Region, Renato Schifani, for sharing the initiative and for offering the opportunity to use the entire funding granted by the Ministry of Made in Italy. Similar thanks to the President of the Regional Council of Consumers and Users (Crcu), Fabrizio Tantillo, and to the staff of the 3rd consumer protection service of the Sicilian Presidency directed by Salvatore Buscemi, without whose timely and fruitful interventions, given the very tight deadlines of the national call, the allocated funds were at risk of being lost.”

Consumer associations in Sicily will soon organize a conference to present the new regional assistance network “involving all the actors of the productive and welfare sectors of the Island, with the presence of representatives of the Region, aiming to strengthen initiatives for a new and more fruitful collaboration for the protection of consumers residing in the regional territory.”

In Sicilia una Rete degli sportelli al servizio dei consumatori

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