Construction of bridge over the Strait, Mele: “First construction sites to start in summer”

To build the bridge over the Strait, the first construction sites “will presumably be working this summer”. This was stated by Valerio Mele, responsible for the technical direction of the company Stretto di Messina, speaking remotely at the round table on “Logistics and infrastructure for Sicilian companies, a key factor for competitiveness”, organized by Unioncamere Sicilia, Uniontrasporti with the Chamber of Commerce Palermo Enna, with the patronage of the Sicilian Region.

The green light, Mele explained, is subject to the final approval of the Cipess: “The approval process of the project involves two steps, the technical committee, and in a few days we are waiting for the convocation by the Ministry of Infrastructure, and the environmental impact assessment. For both processes – Mele added – the time frames are established by the regulation, 90 days are foreseen. Hoping that the deadlines are respected, it will then be up to the Ministry of Infrastructure to gather the results of the environmental impact assessment and the technical committee and transmit them with an explanatory note to the Cipess that will have to approve the final project”.

Immediately after, the Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning will ascertain “the financial coverage and approve the economic and financial plan. At that point, the preliminary works will start immediately, even before the executive project itself. It is not possible, in fact, to start immediately with excavation and foundation works for the bridge, but the first construction sites will presumably be working this summer”.

Ponte sullo Stretto, Mele: «I primi cantieri partiranno in estate»

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