Construction begins on new sewer system in Palermo after 40 years.

After nearly forty years of continuous sewage leaks in Via Tiro a Segno, Palermo, work has begun on the new sewer system. Approximately two hundred thousand euros have been allocated for the project, and the Amap workers should deliver a brand new facility to residents in about 45 days. “Finally, this day has arrived,” exclaims Tiziana Leto, a municipal councilor representing Fratelli d’Italia. “Since 1985, this complex of houses has been in a state of degradation and neglect. There has never been a sewage system, and waste was discharged openly: children, the elderly, and anyone with a significant medical condition remained here in conditions of neglect. This is a result for the entire city. I thank Congressman Carolina Varchi and Amap for their commitment and attention.” Alongside Councilor Leto, there is also Giuseppe Federico, president of the Second District: “Here, children played in the middle of sewage,” he recalls. “A scene from a third world country. Today, this cry for help has been heard, and we can celebrate the start of this construction site.”

Palermo, in via Tiro a Segno iniziano i lavori per la nuova fognatura attesi da 40 anni

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