Comparison of students and companies in Palermo through the IDO@school project

The IDO@school project promoted by the Employment Center of Palermo and Monreale is nearing its completion. The project, aimed at young students from technical and professional institutes in Palermo, aims to show them the work environment and provide them with practical elements. Over 1000 students from various schools and companies participated in the project, allowing students to engage with different industries. The project involves a three-step process, including meetings at school, at the Employment Center, and with companies, cooperatives, and businesses.

In the first phase, representatives from the Employment Center provided students with information about available services and supported them during the transition from education to the workforce. The second phase involved students visiting the Employment Center to learn about opportunities offered by the Region of Sicily and national initiatives. In the final phase, students had the opportunity to meet with companies and organizations to gain firsthand experience in the working world. The project also included sessions with teachers to provide educational material for future guidance.

Key data from the project includes interactions with 7 Technical and Professional Institutes, 11 meetings with schools, 16 sessions for the first step, 7 sessions for the second and third steps, 1000 students involved, and 20 companies from the Sicilian territory collaborating with industry associations.

Palermo, studenti e aziende a confronto con il progetto IDO@school

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