Committee urges Palermo City to keep promises on pedestrian safety after accidents on Via Roma

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Another pedestrian hit in Palermo while crossing the pedestrian crossings. We remind you that via Roma, based on the open data published on the institutional website of the Municipality, is the street in the historic center with the highest number of accidents (and among the top three most dangerous in the entire city). Today marks exactly one month since the public city assembly organized by our Committee and attended by the Mobility Councillor and the municipal police commander. “This was said in a note by the committee “For a truly sustainable mobility in Palermo”.

“At that time, the councillor said – added the committee – that within a few days the City Council would approve the establishment of a 30 km/h speed limit on via Roma and the implementation of checks in this regard, as a prelude to the creation of safe cycle paths. To date, those statements remain empty promises with no concrete actions. All this shows that there is a lack of real political will. Even the monitoring of pedestrian areas and cycle paths, proposed by the municipal police commander himself, has not been implemented a month later.

“In the absence of concrete responses from the administration, and while waiting for those responsible to finally fulfill their promises, the Committee notes the inertia, which is no longer justifiable, and feels compelled to take more decisive actions.”

Incidenti in via Roma, il Comitato: il Comune di Palermo mantenga le promesse sulla sicurezza per i pedoni

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