Comiso bids farewell to Matteo Battaglia, who died in a building collapse: “We will never forget your smile”

Dolore e rabbia filled the day of farewell to Matteo Battaglia in Comiso. A long procession accompanied the young man’s coffin from his home in Piazza Majorana to the basilica of Santissima Annunziata, where the entire town gathered around the devastated family. Matteo was only 22 years old and lost his life in an accident on October 8th. He had gone with his girlfriend to inspect a commercial building, but a collapse occurred that caused him to fall several meters. The impact was violent and fatal. Matteo was hospitalized in critical condition at Garibaldi Hospital in Catania, but hope was lost two days later. The tragedy has deeply affected the community, with hundreds of people attending the funeral celebrated by Don Gino Alessi and Don Francesco Vicino. Matteo’s friends carried his coffin on their shoulders. The mayor, Maria Rita Schembari, also attended the funeral and declared a city-wide mourning. Despite the grief, Matteo’s family consented to organ donation, demonstrating generosity and solidarity that will save other lives. Investigations are underway to ascertain the responsibility for the incident, with the owner of the premises being investigated as a precautionary measure.

A Comiso l’addio a Matteo Battaglia, morto per il crollo in un locale: «Non dimenticheremo il tuo sorriso»

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