Coastal surveillance in Catania: police patrol with water scooters

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From today, the police in Catania will also control the coastal area using jet skis with officers from the flying squad of the general prevention and public rescue office of the Police Headquarters. The service, wanted by the police chief, aims to “prevent illegal behavior that could endanger swimmers and boaters along the over 30 km of Catania’s coastline.”

The daily patrolling of the coast will allow, in full synergy with the Coast Guard, to contribute to sea rescue thanks mainly to the type of jet skis, which allow intervention in shallow waters, where rubber boats and large-sized motorboats cannot reach. The jet skis have a power of 180 horsepower, an engine with a displacement of 1,800 cc, and a water jet propulsion that allows them to reach 60 knots, approximately 100 km/h.

Every day, the officers will patrol the coast from Plaia to Acitrezza with the aim of “suggesting – states the Catania Police Headquarters – the best behaviors to adopt at sea, in order to prevent serious accidents. It will also be their task to check that all bathing establishments, both public and private, have the personnel and equipment necessary for rescue.” The operators have been trained at the Cnes in La Spezia not only for the repression of any conduct contrary to what is provided for by the navigation code but also for water rescue.

“The presence of jet skis – stresses the Catania Police Headquarters – contributes to strengthening the concept of shared security, one of the missions of the State Police, which daily goes out on the streets and at sea to protect people and ensure public order and safety.”

Le volanti del mare: a Catania la polizia controlla la fascia costiera con le moto d’acqua

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