Closure of Lentini landfill, Catania mayor: “A big problem, already in talks with prefecture, prosecutor, and Region”

Among the municipalities of eastern Sicily, there is great concern about the closure of the Lentini landfill. “Today out of the blue – says the mayor of Catania, Enrico Trantino, in a video posted on his Facebook page – Sicula Trasporti has informed us that waste will no longer be accepted at the landfill. This means that a big problem is arising, which we are trying to address because there is an ongoing dialogue with the prefecture, prosecutor’s office, judicial administrators of the company, and the relevant regional department.” Trantino adds, “But in the meantime, we must be ready to face the situation in case we do not find an alternative solution, and the only option would be to find other sites to dispose of the waste. While waiting for this to happen, and there is a meeting in progress, what we can do, as citizens who want to avoid a health emergency, is to only dispose of the waste scheduled for collection. For example, tonight only organic waste because collection of the scheduled waste will still be guaranteed. At least – emphasizes the mayor of Catania – we will buy some time, until next Thursday, when the collection of mixed waste is scheduled, hoping that in the meantime we will have found a solution. Mine is a sort of appeal to common conscience: we must avoid the emergence of an emergency and the creation of landfills that we would not be able to clear, if not in how long, with an accumulation of waste that would be dramatic for our city.”

La chiusura della discarica di Lentini, il sindaco di Catania «Un grosso problema, già avviato un confronto con prefettura, procura e Regione»

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