Claudia Giannettino wins Dance Music Award 2023 atop Italy.

The Palermo-based DJ Claudia Giannettino wins the Dance Music Award 2023, the Oscars of dance music, the most important recognition of the genre in Italy, in the Best Woman DJ category: she is the first Sicilian to achieve this prestigious award since it was established ten years ago.

It is an extraordinary achievement for the master DJ, who cannot contain her joy for an award that certifies, once again (last year she came in second), the greatness of an artist of international caliber: “I am truly proud and honored to bring this great recognition to Sicily. I always tell my students that, if they have a dream or a goal in life, they need to work hard to achieve it, today I can prove it to them. I thank all the people who have supported and encouraged me, I share this award with each one of you! A dream come true, I am immensely grateful!”

Claudia Giannettino prefers tech house, but for her it is essential to select music based on the audience in front of her. She has played in all the best clubs in Sicily and tours the most important clubs in Italy and Europe. She collaborates with the greatest national and international DJs, and also devotes a lot of time to major events and festivals in Sicily.

The Palermo artist is 41 years old, her career began when she was only 17 years old and had the opportunity to do her first DJ set in a venue with an audience of over 1000 people, immediately entering the hearts of the Sicilian public which was important in the early years of her artistic journey. Claudia’s rule is to entertain people and select music based on the audience in front of her, injecting pure energy into her sets, managing to create a special synergy with the dance floor.

A prestigious placement for the Sicilian artist, who is hugely popular in the discos of Palermo, throughout the island and often also around Italy, but only on weekends. During the week, in fact, the alarm clock rings early, as Claudia teaches math at an elementary school in Palermo.

This dual role has brought her a lot of popularity. Her story has been told live on the television show “I Fatti Vostri” by Michele Guardì. She has been interviewed on numerous newspapers, websites, magazines, and magazines.

La maestra dj Claudia Giannettino sul tetto d’Italia: la palermitana vince il Dance Music Award 2023

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