Cisl asks Rap about personnel for bulky waste campaign in Palermo

The Fit Cisl is asking the Rap to shed light on the staff to be employed in the new campaign to combat the problem of the disposal of bulky waste, from appliances to household furniture. The secretary general of the Fit Cisl, Dionisio Giordano, adds that “the president Todaro is certainly a very good person, but the 171 new vehicles for recycling are still parked due to lack of personnel and the solution cannot continue to be the expensive outsourcing of services that weigh on the company’s accounts.” The Cisl continues to be convinced that an innovative vision of the waste collection system is needed in the city, certainly publicly managed, but it should be built on what is really necessary, what needs to be modified and what needs to be introduced, without concern for “offending the sensibilities of politics, municipal bureaucracy, electorate / citizens and, to be clear, corporate trade unions if necessary, but it is not”. They also urge the approval of the company’s industrial plan, which would determine the immediate hiring of winning drivers and the speeding up of the competition process for ecological operators. They also express concern about the delay in the approval of the company’s industrial plan by the Municipality, and the continued outsourcing of services. They stress the need for a pact for the decorum of the city, and for the municipality to fulfill its commitments to support the company, while also demanding the execution of their orders without unilateral revisions. They find it unacceptable that a month has passed since the approval of the 20 million funds for the Rap in the City Council and nothing has reached the company.

Palermo, la Cisl chiede alla Rap «con quale personale sarà effettuata la campagna sui rifiuti ingombranti»

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