Christmas market in downtown Palermo, stalls save Piazzale Ungheria from decay

Piazzale Ungheria, in Palermo, has been renewed and revitalized after years of neglect. The pavement has been cleaned, pillars have been repainted, and drains have been cleared. It is now hosting a fair organized by Confartigianato, with plans in place to continue to bring life and dignity back to the area. The committee has proposed a project to the mayor to transform the space into a meeting place for young people and a center for community activities. They are also setting up a large nativity scene, Santa’s house, and various workshops and events to make the space better and more accessible to the people of Palermo. The goal is to maintain the space and make it a cultural center for the community.

Fiera di Natale in centro a Palermo, le bancarelle salvano piazzale Ungheria dal degrado

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