Chemical toilets arrive in Palermo’s local markets: the first two on Via La Franca.

Currently, there are only two chemical toilets in a local market. Soon, they will be extended to all 22 district appointments in Palermo with fruits, vegetables, and various goods. Yesterday, the municipality placed the first two chemical toilets in via Sebastiano La Franca. This is a commitment that the administrations have promised and never realized, and the City Councilor Giuliano Forzinetti, in charge of Productive Activities, defines it as “a commitment to civilization.” According to the councilor, who appeared in via La Franca with Mayor Roberto Lagalla and members of the commission, it is “a signal for the productive fabric of the city, with which the administration intends to maintain collaboration aimed at respecting the rules and improving the cleanliness levels of market areas.” Dario Chinnici, the leader of Lavoriamo per Palermo, comments: “It may seem trivial, but it is an important novelty for many operators and ordinary citizens. We want to give more decorum and offer a fundamental hygienic service to those who work or buy.” “As the health and sanitation commission,” comments Salvatore Imperiale, president of the fourth city council commission, “we have repeatedly discussed the issue, supporting its importance. We always ask for maximum collaboration from the interested productive categories in order to maintain high levels of decorum and cleanliness in the markets.” Councilor Giovanna Rappa also congratulates Forzinetti. “An important and necessary service for those who work there and for the citizens who frequent the market,” says the councilor, “but it has been missing for many years. A small first step, but it will bring some dignity to the markets.” The law establishes that the areas must be equipped with sanitary facilities. The administration must guarantee the public interest of both the operators and users of markets and fairs to have the possibility to use the toilets while preserving the hygienic and sanitary conditions of the areas and immediate surroundings. Since it is not possible to intervene with structural projects, the administration has decided to contract out the installation of chemical toilets.

Palermo, arrivano i bagni chimici nei mercatini rionali: i primi due in via La Franca

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