Changes in road layout from Via Francesco Crispi to Via Belgio for port-highway axis works

The Traffic and Ordinary Mobility Office of the Municipality issued an ordinance on June 15 for the temporary limitation of pedestrian and vehicular circulation and parking to allow for extraordinary maintenance works on the port-highway connection axis (from via Francesco Crispi to the junction of via Belgio). Specifically, construction sites will be delimited in the following streets with removal zones on both sides and closure to vehicular traffic during the working phases: via Monte Pellegrino from via dei Cantieri to via Ammiraglio Rizzo with circulation allowed on half the roadway during the works; works scheduled from June 17 to July 2. Via Isaac Rabin, from via Ammiraglio Rizzo to the roundabout of via Largo Sellerio with circulation allowed on half the roadway during the works; works scheduled from June 17 to July 2. Via Martin Luther King, from Largo Sellerio to via Imperatore Federico with circulation allowed on half the roadway during the works; until the end of the works (expected 7 days). Via Imperatore Federico from via Martin Luther King to no. 106 of the same via Imperatore Federico with circulation allowed on half the roadway at a time until the end of the works (expected 7 days). Via Imperatore Federico from number 46 to the intersection with Piazza Leoni with circulation allowed on half the roadway at a time; until the end of the works (expected 7 days).

“The works – reads the ordinance – may also be carried out at night, on holidays and pre-holidays, reducing as much as possible the nuisance caused to public peace and, at night, appropriate luminous regulatory signals related to the work area must be placed beyond the relative barriers and all obstacles to free passage.” Via Del Fante 100 meters before and 100 meters after at the intersection with the axis of Via Cassarà with circulation allowed on half the roadway at a time until the end of the works (expected 2 weeks). Via Cassarà, from Via del Fante to the roundabout of Piazza Giovanni Paolo II with circulation allowed on half the roadway at a time; until the end of the works (expected 2 weeks). Via Alcide de Gasperi, lateral carriageway (adjacent to the technical pole and post office building) with traffic closure during works and diverted traffic on the central lane of the same Via De Gasperi. With right turn authorization for heavy vehicles at Via Ausonia until the end of the works (expected 2 weeks). Via Ausonia from via Alcide De Gasperi (Val di Mazzara direction side) to Via Praga with no parking on both sides with circulation allowed on half the roadway at a time during the works; until the end of the works (expected 2 weeks). Via Praga from via Ausonia to Via Belgio with circulation allowed on half the roadway at a time; until the end of the works (expected 2 weeks). Via Belgio, from Viale Strasburgo, including the intersection area with Viale Strasburgo until the beginning of the Via Belgio bridge with circulation allowed on half the roadway until the end of the works (expected 2 weeks).

Lavori per l’asse porto-autostrada, cambia la viabilità da via Francesco Crispi allo svincolo di via Belgio

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