Challenges in runoffs for 2024 Sicilian local elections in Caltanissetta, Pachino, and Gela

Three Sicilian municipalities will go to a runoff for the election of mayor: in Caltanissetta the candidates are Annalisa Maria Petitto and Walter Calogero Tesauro; in Gela, also in the province of Nisseno, the choice is between Grazia Rita Cosentino and Giuseppe Terenziano Di Stefano; in Pachino, in the province of Siracusa, the candidates are Rosaria Fronterrè and Giuseppe Gambuzza. The polls will be open on Sunday, June 23 from 7am to 11pm and on Monday, June 24 from 7am to 3pm.

In Caltanissetta, the runoff will be between Annalisa Maria Petitto and Walter Calogero Tesauro; in Gela, it’s a choice between Grazia Rita Cosentino and Giuseppe Terenziano Di Stefano; and in Pachino, the candidates are Rosaria Fronterrè and Giuseppe Gambuzza.

In the capital of Nisseno, the M5s has already announced that they did not form alliances with any political force. M5s voters “will be free to vote according to conscience,” explained regional coordinator for Sicily Nuccio Di Paola.

In Gela, Cosentino’s candidacy, the first female candidate for mayor in Gela, from the center-right, no political alliances for the second round, emerged from discussions among center-left parties.

In Pachino, vying for the leadership of the municipality in the province of Siracusa are Barbara Fronterrè, a representative of the Center-Left able to create an alliance with Dc and Mpa, and Giuseppe Gambuzza, former president of the City Council, representing Forza Italia.

Elezioni amministrative 2024 in Sicilia: ecco le sfide ai ballottaggi a Caltanissetta, Pachino e Gela

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