Caught red-handed stealing a car in Isola delle Femmine square: tries to escape but gets arrested

The article describes a 37-year-old man who was caught by the police while trying to steal a car in Isola delle Femmine, near Palermo. The man had managed to start the car after tampering with the lock but was quickly apprehended by the carabinieri. He was arrested on the spot for aggravated theft. This incident is part of a larger trend of car thefts in Palermo and the surrounding areas. In a similar case a few months ago in Capaci, police found two stolen cars parked close to each other, which may have been used in other crimes. The police conducted investigations and returned the cars to their rightful owners. The stolen Lancia Y mentioned in the article was also returned to its owner.

Sorpreso mentre ruba un’auto nella piazza di Isola delle Femmine: tenta la fuga, ma viene arrestato

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